Our Final Weekend!!

Join us for a weekend of our final performances…
Saturday, September 18th at 4:00 in Jackman Park in Glenview – just north of the library and just west of the train station; and
Sunday, September 19th at 4:00 when we bring Shakespeare back home to our very own Market Square in downtown Lake Forest.
For complete cast list and director’s note – plus a message from CenterStage in Lake Forest – scan – or click! – for the
Romeo & Juliet program ….
The performance lasts 90 minutes. Bring lawn chairs, blankets, beverages and a picnic lunch, and be a part in the excitement once again as we take to the boards (or the parks, as it were) for the first time since March, 2020!
For weather advisories and more information, call the CenterStage office, at 847.234.6062.
Questions? Write us at info@centerstagelakeforest.org. Someone will get back to you soon!

And finally – to review our SHAKESPEARE ONLINE series (which helped us all to get through the pandemic….) CLICK HERE!
Click here to learn more about CenterStage in Lake Forest.