Let’s start off with a review of our SHAKESPEARE ONLINE series!
The Feast of Saint Valentine has been celebrated as a day of romance and love for seven hundred years. While we here at CenterStage in Lake Forest refuse to let plague and snow stand in our way, the saint never had to contend with the internet and its technical challenges.
From our heart to yours – won’t you be our Valentine?
2020 was a year like no other in living memory. A year of plague and wildfires, of riots and demonstrations. An election year with the most deeply divided electorate in a century. A year desperately in need of the solace, the comfort, and the joy of theatre; theatre whose buildings plague has shut down.
What to do?
Go back of course – to an expert in handling art in a time of plague: William Shakespeare.
When the London theatres closed, he sent his company to the countryside. When his landlords were a problem, he dismantled his theatre and moved it to the other side of the river. Will Shakespeare was the go-to guy of his age.
CenterStage in Lake Forest presents Webisode the Sixth from our online Shakespeare festival.
And so, CenterStage in Lake Forest is proud to present: “Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way: Shakespeare Online.”

We have rounded up a talented troupe of actors, ready and willing to share the finest speeches Shakespeare has to offer, a weekly webisode series covering the depth and breadth of Shakespeare’s genius. A series available to you in the comfort and safety of your own home. A series watchable any time of day or night. A series free of charge.